Year: 2013

Sex Offenses and Entrapment

We have all seen the TV shows and heard the news reports of people being arrested in sting operations designed to catch adults using the internet to meet minors for sex. What we don’t see is what happened before that person arrived at the residence. Often times it was law enforcement that lured, enticed, or […]

DUI Fines in Florida

A drunk driving offense can not only threaten your criminal record and your driver’s license, but it can also pose a financial burden. Like many other criminal offenses, people convicted of driving under the influence in the state of Florida can face fines as well as other criminal and administrative penalties. Criminal Fines of a […]

Vicious Animal Citations in Hillsborough County

Hillsborough County Ordinance 6-27 Section 9-A governs “Vicious animals and dangerous dogs.” In Hillsborough County: “No person shall allow a companion animal, when unprovoked, to bite, attack, endanger, or inflict injury on a human, domestic animal, or livestock while on public or private property; or chase or approach an individual upon the streets, sidewalks, or […]

Hillsborough County Noise Control Ordinance

§ 36-429 of the Hillsborough County municipal codes is the official noise control ordinance. According to this ordinance, anyone can be cited for a noise violation if they: Make a noise disturbance that injures or endangers others; Make a noise disturbance that is unreasonably loud, disturbing or an overall nuisance; Make a noise […]

Chemical Test Laws in Florida

In the state of Florida, everyone who has been lawfully arrested under suspicion of drunk or drugged driving is required by law to submit to a chemical test. This test can be either a breath test, a blood test or in some rare cases a urine test. All chemical testing instruments are to be […]

Tampa Public Assistance Fraud Lawyer

Recently, we have seen a rise in the amount of Tampa Bay area residents being accused of Public Assistance Fraud, also known as Welfare Fraud. It is our belief that during the recession, many people relied on government assistance to make ends meet. Now, the Florida Department of Financial Services is investigating people whose applications […]

Stalking & Domestic Violence

According to § 741.28 of the Florida Statutes, there are at least ten types of criminal offenses that could constitute an act of domestic violence. One of the listed criminal offenses is stalking. While stalking is not always an act of domestic violence, it involves members of a family or household. The exact language […]

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