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What Is Considered A Sexual Offense?

Understanding the Definitions and Penalties of Sexual Offenses under Florida Law Florida laws aim to protect individuals, especially minors, from exploitation, harm, and abuse. For this reason, sexual offenses are serious crimes with severe consequences in the state. Defined under various statutes, these offenses cover a broad range of illegal activities, from sexual battery to […]

What Is the Difference between Sexual Assault and Sexual Abuse?

Sexual Assault vs. Sexual Abuse in Florida In Florida, sexual offenses include a wide array of criminal behaviors involving non-consensual sexual acts. According to state law, these offenses are characterized by various actions including sexual abuse and assaults. However, the terms “sexual assault” and “sexual abuse” are often used interchangeably. For anyone facing these charges […]

How to Beat A Solicitation Charge in Florida

Learn The Secrets to Fighting a Florida Solicitation Charge The first step to knowing how to beat a solicitation charge in Florida is understanding the nitty-gritty of the offense. Per Section 769.07 of the Florida Statutes, it is unlawful to purchase the services of a prostitute. It’s also illegal to solicit, induce, entice, or lure […]

75 Arrested in Operation Game Over | Taracks & Associates

Contact UsIn the days leading up to Super Bowl LV in Tampa, the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office was carrying out “Operation Game Over.” From Monday, February 1st through Saturday, February 6th, undercover detectives investigated physical establishments – such as massage parlors – and online chatrooms known to promote illicit sexual activity.Operation Game Over led to […]

Online Solicitation of a Minor in Florida

The TV series “To Catch a Predator” highlighted the steps that law enforcement will go to not only build cases against adults who travel to meet minors for illegal purposes, but also highlighted how easy it is for adults to communicate with minors without the parents knowing. The advent of social media becoming so prevalent […]

Florida Sexting Laws and Legal Defense for Adults & Minors

With the explosion of Social Media, Florida has tried to keep up with technology in the protection of minors. It has long been a criminal offense to provide obscene (harmful) material to minors, whether by providing pornographic magazine, videos or anything handed or delivered via mail. With the advent of technology, not only is it […]


In Florida, not only is possessing certain drugs a crime, the amount/weight of the drugs can make a significant difference, not only in the punishment, but the defenses to the charge itself. Florida has multiple levels of penalties not just for the drug itself; also the amount of the drugs that are seized can have […]

Statutory Rape Florida | Florida 16 to 24 Law

What is Statutory Rape in Florida?Laws that prohibit sexual activity with a minor, even when the minor is a willing participant are referred to as “Statutory Rape” laws. These provisions make it illegal to have certain types of sexual activity with minor’s a crime even if the underage person was a willing participant, even an […]

Florida Sex Offender Registry: Requirements & Avoiding Charges

Florida State Statute 943.0435 list 19 offenses which require a person to register as a Sex Offender. The most common are sex with a minor – Florida State Statute 794.05, possession or transmission of child pornography – Florida State Statute 847.0137 and sexting with a minor – Florida State Statute 847.0138. If you […]

Florida Woman has Sex with Dog

A woman in Florida has admitted to taking selfies as she had sex with her dog, according to police. Eighteen-year-old Ashley Miller was charged with two counts of sexual activities involving animals after Bradenton investigators found the graphic photos on her cell phone. 2-face, her Pitbull, was coerced into licking Miller in […]

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