Tampa Underage DUI Lawyer

Your Future is Too Important to Risk

Experienced Underage DUI Lawyer Serving the Whole of Tampa, Florida

Get Premium Legal Defense against an Underage DUI Charge Now!

While underage drinking arrests can take place in any context, it is not uncommon for these to be DUI-related. This is all thanks to Florida’s zero-tolerance law for drivers under the age of 21. In Florida, having a BAC (blood alcohol concentration) of 0.02% or above is enough to be convicted for DUI if you are below 21 years old. This legal limit is pretty stringent compared to the typical .08 percent BAC DUI standard for older adults.

In reality, it doesn’t take much to attain a BAC level of 0.02% — even a single drink can put you over the threshold. Consequently, police officers often arrest underaged drivers for DUI if they find any trace amount of alcohol on their breath or in their system. If you’re charged and convicted for underage DUI, the consequences can hurt your future permanently. As such, you must do everything necessary to protect your freedom.

Have you or an underaged family member been accused and arrested for underage DUI? The first step you should take is to contact our proven DUI lawyer at (813)-281-2897 now. We’ll fight tirelessly to ensure that you’re treated fairly and that you achieve the best possible results in your case.


Why Choose Us?

Our Experience, Dedication, and Results Remain Unmatched

The following qualities make us the perfect choice of DUI defense attorneys for underaged DUI cases in Florida:

  • Our many years of experience handling cases similar to yours
  • In-depth knowledge of underaged DUI laws and the Florida legal system
  • A former prosecutor on our team, ensuring that we have a holistic approach to your defense
  • Proven track record and client testimonials of successful underaged DUI cases
  • Excellent communication skills, ensuring that you never feel left out in the process
  • Aggressive litigation skills.

At Taracks & Associates law firm, we have all it takes to effectively fight for your rights and secure your freedom. Consult with us now by calling (813)-281-2897 immediately.


What Are the Consequences of Underage DUI in Florida?

Understanding Florida Underage DUI Penalties

Florida Statute § 322.2616 directs the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles to suspend or revoke an underage DUI arrestee’s driver’s license or driving privileges. As a result, you can lose your license for six months should you have a BAC of 0.02%. If it’s your second offense, the suspension will increase to one year.

Furthermore, a refusal to take breath tests will attract a one-year administrative license suspension. Upon a second refusal to submit to a breath test, this penalty will increase to an 18-month suspension. DUIs also pose additional threats to college students, as they could face university discipline such as suspension or expulsion.

Again, an underage DUI conviction can seriously harm your driving and criminal records.


Find Answers to All Your Questions Regarding Underaged DUI in Florida

These answers to frequently asked questions about Florida underaged DUI will help your understanding of your case:

What Can I Do to Contest My License Suspension?

You have ten days to request an administrative license hearing (also called DHSMV hearing) to fight your license suspension. Drivers have the option of requesting a formal hearing, an informal hearing, or a hardship license review. Speak with a Tampa underage DUI lawyer from our firm for more information on this subject.

How Do I Fight Underage DUI Charges As a College Student?

If you were arrested on or near your college campus, then there is a chance that university police administered your field sobriety tests or breath test. The university police are not as experienced or trained as a regular law enforcement officials are, so we could contest the accuracy of the results.

What Is Florida’s Open Container Law?

Florida’s Open Container Law makes it illegal for anyone to possess an open container of alcohol in a vehicle. So, even if an underaged individual was not drinking, merely possessing an open container in their vehicle can have them arrested. It is illegal to be seated in a vehicle with an open container of alcohol even while it is not in motion.

What Are the Penalties for DUI under 18?

DUIs committed by minors are handled as juvenile offenses and will often not be tried in adult courts. However, they are still susceptible to various DUI penalties, including jail terms in juvenile facilities, traffic courses, and court fines. They may also be mandated to attend an addictions recovery facility.

Our Tampa underaged DUI lawyer is available to answer any more questions you may have regarding your case. Simply dial (813)-281-2897 to reach out to us.

Contact Our Law Firm Now

Say Yes to Top-Notch Legal Representation for Underage DUI Charges in Florida

Minors can lose their license for drinking and driving. If they were found to have a blood alcohol content of 0.05% or higher, the penalties would be more severe, including substance abuse courses. As such, they and their families must do everything possible to get the charges dropped. This includes reaching out to a Tampa underaged DUI lawyer from Taracks & Associates law firm.

Having a former prosecutor on our team means that we have experience on both sides of the courtroom. We know better than anyone else how to create the most strategic defense for our clients.

To learn more about your case and other DUI-related charges, schedule a free case review with us by dialing (813)-281-2897 ASAP.


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