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Call Our Trusted Tampa Misdemeanor Attorney Today
Many states, Florida included, now recognize that, even when a crime is committed, the guilty party may not benefit from incarceration. This is why our state has established the Misdemeanor Pretrial Diversion Program, which allows some accused individuals to forgo a criminal conviction and instead enroll in other requirements that better address why the crime occurred in the first place. These programs are particularly impactful for accused citizens struggling with alcohol or substance abuse.
If you have been charged with a misdemeanor and are interested in your eligibility for the Misdemeanor Pretrial Diversion Program, then it is important that you speak to proven counsel today. At Taracks & Associates, our team is staffed by a former prosecutor who knows what the court is looking for when considering these programs and can ensure that your eligibility is compellingly put forth to the judge.
Learn more about your diversion program eligibility by calling our team at (813) 281-2897 today.
Understanding the Misdemeanor Pretrial Diversion Program Florida
For those accused who have committed minor offenses (misdemeanors) and are willing waive their right to a speedy trial, the Misdemeanor Pretrial Diversion Program may be able to keep them out of jail. These individuals essentially plead guilty to the allegations against them and submit themselves to a court-approved treatment and educational programs. If they complete the program and comply with the court, they will not have to serve any jail time.
Requirements for the Misdemeanor Pretrial Diversion Program can include:
- Payment fees (depending on the seriousness of the offense)
- Restitution to any victims
- Zero contact with any victims
- Scheduled contact with a Criminal Justice Officer
- Substance/alcohol abuse evaluation
- Psychological/psychiatric evaluation
- Random alcohol and drug testing
- Alcohol or Narcotics Anonymous meetings
- Community service
- Required attendance at approved educational programs
In order to be enrolled in the Misdemeanor Pretrial Diversion Program, both the judge and prosecutor must approve the defendant. At Taracks & Associates, our Florida criminal defense attorney knows how to properly appeal for enrollment in these programs and ensure that the court is well-aware of our clients’ eligibility.
Want to learn more about the diversion program and how our firm can help you enroll? Contact us at (813) 281-2897 today to request a free case evaluation.