Did you know Florida has codified the crime of Theft of Utility Services? Under Florida Statute 812.14, a person who willfully alters or tampers with a meter/pipe/wire/line/cable/transformer/amplifier/other apparatus or device belonging to a utility service in order to obtain services fradulently is guilty of a first degree misdemeanor punishable by one year in jail and up to a $1,000 fine.
The Statute, titled “Trespass and larceny with relation to utility
fixtures; theft of utility services”, is under the general
Theft Crimes section and is widely enforced throughout Florida, including Tampa Bay.
If you or a loved one has been charged with Theft of Utility Services,
call a Criminal Defense attorney at Taracks & Associates today. Our
firm has three former prosecutors on staff with the knowledge and experience
necessary to fight the State’s case against you. There are many ways
you can fight this charge. Additionally, our staff will work with the
utility company to compromise on the actual amount of restitution you
owe, potentially saving you hundreds or thousands of dollars.
Call us today for a
free consultation – 813-281-2897. We would be happy to explain your rights and responsibilities
to you free of charge. Taracks & Associates – The Advocate For You.