Arrested at Gasparilla?

This year, it is an unfortunate fact that hundreds of people will be arrested at Gasparilla. What should be a fun event often times ends up out of hand for certain parade goers, resulting in arrests for DUI, BUI, Disorderly Conduct, Criminal Mischief, Possession of Marijuana or other drugs/paraphernalia, or underage drinking/possession of alcohol by a minor. These charges, while typically only misdemeanor offenses, can leave you with a criminal record and can make applying for a job or school nearly impossible.

When facing serious charges, you need a serious legal advocate. The law firm of Taracks & Associates is comprised of four experienced criminal defense lawyers, three of which are former state prosecutors. This means that our staff knows how the State will build a case against you, and what must be done to beat those charges.

Call us today at 813-281-2897 for a free consultation. A DUI lawyer with our experienced firm is standing by waiting to provide you with a free consultation. Taracks & Associates – The Advocate For You.

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