Beginning in 2013, the “civil penalty” for solicitation of prostitution has been increased from $500.00 to $5,250.00. This astronomical hike in price was obviously created as a tax / deterrent to prevent people from soliciting a prostitute. This means that if you plea to solicitation, you will be required to pay this huge fine!
This solicitation fine is a punishment, but not a condition of probation. The penalty would be a lien, which is a recorded judgment against an individual. Even if an individual receives a withhold of adjudication, meaning a plea with no conviction, he or she may still be ordered to pay the civil penalty. This could prevent you from obtaining a loan or mortgage, and would appear on your credit report even if your record is sealed!
The reality is that now, ANYONE charged with solicitation must hire an experienced defense attorney to fight these charges. At Taracks & Associates we have over 50 combined years of experience fighting these charges. Call us today at 813-281-2897 for a FREE, CONFIDENTIAL consultation. We will help you fight these charges and work to find a resolution whereby you avoid the $5,000 civil penalty.
Taracks & Associates – The Advocate For You.