Tampa Ecstasy Attorney

Your Future is Too Important to Risk

Florida Ecstasy & MDMA Charges

Ecstasy, or sometimes call MDMA for methylenedioxy-methamphetamine, is a powerful stimulant that is also capable of hallucinogenic effects upon an individual. While this drug is manufactured on a minor scale here in the US the majority of its production occurs overseas. The drug is then brought illegally into the country and distributed into the population via drug networks, such as drug rings, gangs or organized crime.

It is very inexpensive to manufacture but its street level markup makes this an enormously attractive drug for profit within the criminal groups operating in Florida. The crime element attached to the drug Ecstasy also makes it a target of especially heavy law enforcement activity. In such a high-stakes legal environment, consulting a Tampa drug charges attorney, especially one with a background in both drug crime prosecution and defense, is critical in an Ecstasy related crime.

The Consequences of an Ecstasy or MDMA Drug Charge

Florida is a very harsh state in relation to its drug laws and how they are enforced. One interesting aspect of the law is that the charge is built in relation to the weight of the drugs. What this means is that although the active element in a pill may only weigh a little the law includes the inert filler when determining the weight. So the use or possession of even a few pills can spell a serious consequence which will include large monetary fines and mandatory prison terms.

Because of the connection of Ecstasy to drug rings and powerful criminal elements it is a drug that is heavily prosecuted and discouraged. Fighting your charge means that a skilled criminal defense lawyer must be hired as early as possible. The evidence that has been used to charge an individual requires close examination. In particular how one was arrested and how well one’s rights were honored during the arrest process must be questioned. There are numerous details, which are familiar to an experienced attorney, that all must be exhaustively tracked and presented into the courtroom defense.

Fighting an Ecstasy drug charge can be tough, it is important to contact a Tampa Ecstasy drug crime defense attorney without further delay.

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    Tampa Attorney Barry Taracks