MADD Calling for Tighter DUI Penalties for Repeat Offenders

Mothers Against Drunk Driving, or MADD, issued a new report claiming that the average drunk driver has driven under the influence 80 times before their first arrest. After that arrest many still get behind the wheel impaired.

“The DUI law as it states, it’s a strong law but dealing with all the case law, dealing with all the evidence presented, it really depends, it’s kind of roll the dice and see what you get,” says Kristen Allen, a MADD representative. The most recent DUI statistics from MADD are from 2010. They show that in Florida a whopping 13,054 were caught driving under the influence more than five times.

“We don’t want to see people getting reduced down to reckless because it’s not teaching that person that what they did, their behavior, it needs to change,” says Allen. MADD reports that this year more than 10,000 people will die in drunk driving accidents. Punishments for a first offense include a fine of $500, 50 community service hours, probation, and a 6 month license revocation. For those arrested a second or third time the fines get bigger and jail time increases.

If you have been charged with DUI, call the DUI lawyers at Taracks & Associates today at 813-281-2897. We have four DUI lawyers on staff who know how to fight the charges against you. We can also potentially help you avoid losing your license. Call today for a free consultation. Taracks & Associates – The Advocate For You.

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