Florida Marijuana Laws

Possession of marijuana is a serious crime in Florida. If you or a loved one has been charged with possession of marijuana or any other marijuana-related crime in the greater Tampa Bay area you should contact an attorney at Taracks & Associates today for a free consultation – 813-281-2897. It is important to note that a conviction for a drug related charge, including possession of marijuana, could result in a two year suspension of your Florida driver’s license.

The penalties for possession of marijuana, or cannabis, vary depending on the quantity of marijuana you were arrested with. Below is a discussion of some of the most common marijuana-related charges in Florida.

Possession of Marijuana Under 20 Grams: “Simple possession” of marijuana is a misdemeanor charge that carries up to one year in jail, probation, random urine screenings, fines, and/or community service. Furthermore, conviction for possession of marijuana can stain your record and make it difficult to find a job or get into college/graduate programs. If you are adjudicated guilty of this charge, you may lose your Florida driver’s license for two years.

Delivery of Marijuana Under 20 Grams: Selling even a small amount of marijuana can have serious consequences, including up to one year in jail, fines, and loss of driver’s license for two years. Delivery under 20 grams constitutes a misdemeanor in Florida.

Possession of Drug Paraphernalia: Possession of a marijuana smoking device, such as a bong or pipe, carries fines and up to a year in jail. However, there is no risk of loss of driver’s license associated with this charge. This charge is a misdemeanor.

Possession of Marijuana Over 20 Grams: It is first important to realize that possession of marijuana over 20 grams is a third degree Felony charge that carries serious fines and up to five years in prison! Your driver’s license will automatically be suspended if convicted of this charge.

Trafficking Marijuana: Felony charge. The penalties vary depending on the quantity of marijuana you are arrested with. 25 pounds can can carry a minimum of three years in prison, whereas 10,000 pounds can carry a minimum 15 years in prison. Please see our post on Florida Drug Trafficking Laws for full details on marijuana trafficking. 

If you have been charged with a marijuana-related crime call us today at 813-281-2897 for a free consultation. Oftentimes these charges can be dismissed or reduced based upon the facts of your case. Taracks & Associates has three former state prosecutors on staff who know how to fight the charges against you. Remember, these charges can lead to jail, fines, and loss of driver’s license, so it is important to fight even “simple” possession of marijuana charges.

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