Helping Clients with Their Legal Challenges for over 30 Years
More than 10,000 People Helped
185 Jury Trials Handled
The Experience of a Former Prosecutor
Highly Recommended by Peers & Past Clients
Free Initial Consultations

As early as possible after you have been accused of any form of child abuse, contact a hard hitting Tampa child abuse defense attorney from Taracks & Associates for a free, confidential consultation. We know that your relationship with your children may be the most important relationship in your life, and understand what a stressful experience this may be for you. Our firm is dedicated to defending the rights of the accused, and with more than 30 years of experience, we know how to effectively fight the charges you face.
Contact our Tampa child abuse defense lawyers today at (813) 281-2897 for a free consultation!
It would be difficult to overstate the importance of defending against child abuse allegations. If you are found guilty, you could be subjected to criminal penalties including jail or prison, steep fines and probation, as well as mandatory sex offender registration for sexual crimes against children. You could also face intervention from the Florida Department of Children and Families, with the possibility of having your children removed and placed in foster care. To safeguard your family from such severe disruption, you must take action now by retaining a lawyer for criminal defense charges in Tampa, FL.
Many of the clients we represent on child abuse charges have been targeted with false accusations from the other parent, during or after a divorce. The courts in our area favor parenting plans which give both parents some form of custody and visitation, but only when this is in the children’s best interests, and allegations of child endangerment or abuse will often serve to convince a family court judge to deprive the perpetrator of parental rights. Don’t let this happen to you- call or visit our office today to discuss the situation with our Tampa child abuse defense attorney and learn more about possible strategies for your defense.
Contact a Tampa child abuse lawyer from our firm at (813) 281-2897 if you have been accused and want dedicated legal representation to help you defend your rights as a parent.