Year: 2018


In Florida, not only is possessing certain drugs a crime, the amount/weight of the drugs can make a significant difference, not only in the punishment, but the defenses to the charge itself. Florida has multiple levels of penalties not just for the drug itself; also the amount of the drugs that are seized can have […]


With the popularity of the Fast and Furious movie franchise, street racing has been glamorized by Hollywood film producers. Even the spectacular rollover crashes appear harmless. The same cannot be said for the real implications of accidents that result in injuries as a result of 2 or more cars racing on the streets of Tampa, […]

Florida DUI’s & Actual Physical Control

Fla Stat. § 316.193 makes it a DUI to be in “Actual Physical Control” of a motor vehicle while your normal faculties are impaired, or you have a B.A.C. of .08 or above. This DUI provision equates being in “Actual Physical Control” as the same charge as speeding, running a red light, or even hitting […]

When is a Felony DUI in Florida Not a Felony?

Florida, in addition to being one of the states with a lower B.A.C. of .08% and above, is also very strict on sentencing, including treatment of misdemeanor and felony classifications of DUI.A person can be prosecuted for a Felony DUI for the following circumstances:If is the DUI Driver has two prior DUI convictions, and at […]

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