Tampa Hate Crimes Lawyer

Your Future is Too Important to Risk

Florida Hate Crimes Cases & Penalties

Hate crimes have had increased penalties over the years. A hate crime conviction will lead to enhanced sentences and more severe punishments due to the nature of the crime committed. Those accused of a hate crime usually face severe treatment both inside of and outside the courtroom. Whether or not you committed the crime you stand accused of out of hate or malicious intent can be fiercely debated.

Given the debatable nature that comes with accusations of this nature, it is important to secure a skilled Tampa hate crimes attorney should you be accused of a hate crime. A defense attorney will uphold your side of the case and ensure that you receive a fair and unbiased trial.

About Hate Crimes in Florida

A hate crime is any crime committed against an individual based on the race, color, gender, sexual orientation, or nationality of that individual. A hate crime is considered a federal offense due to the specific targeting associated with these types of crimes. If an individual is accused of a hate crime, the normal punishments associated with that crime would be greatly increased. An individual may face a heavy fine and a few months in jail for a misdemeanor assault conviction but if the guilty individual attacked out of hate towards the victim’s race, gender, or sexual orientation, that individual can be sentenced to a long sentence in federal prisonthat individual can be sentenced to a long sentence in federal prison. To navigate such serious legal matters, it’s crucial to seek guidance from a criminal defense attorney in Tampa.

Contact a Skilled Hate Crimes Lawyer Serving Tampa

The best defense against a hate crime conviction is to establish beyond a reasonable doubt that the crime was committed out of hate. Our Tampa hate crimes attorney has over 30 years of experience defending clients against hate crime accusations. At Taracks & Associates, we strongly believe that you have every right to a fair and unbiased trial no matter what the circumstances of your accusations may be. Hate crime cases rely heavily on an attorney’s ability to establish the motives behind a given crime. Our attorney hsa the knowledge, skills, and experience to help you fight your accusation.

Contact a Tampa hate crimes attorney if you have been accused of committing a hate crime.

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    Tampa Attorney Barry Taracks