Florida Traffic Ticket Penalties

Your Future is Too Important to Risk

Tampa Traffic Offenses Lawyer

There are two basic types of traffic tickets, infractions and violations. An infraction isn’t considered a crime and usually just has a fine. Most traffic tickets issued are infractions. It is not considered a crime and you can’t be jailed or have a jury trial. No points are put on your driving record. Things like parking tickets or parking in a handicap space without authorization are infractions.

The more serious type of ticket is a violation and is usually considered a crime. They range from misdemeanors to felonies and the penalties become much more severe. They require a bail payment and give you the right to appear in court and have an attorney to represent you. The penalties increase to paying much heavier fines, getting points on your driving record, increased insurance rates, attending traffic school, having your license suspended and, in the case of repeated offenses, jail time.

If you receive a traffic ticket for a violation more serious than an infraction, such as speeding or another moving violation, it’s important to consult an attorney who specializes in traffic offenses. Visit a Tampa traffic ticket lawyer at the criminal defense law offices of Taracks & Associates as soon as possible. We will review the details of your ticket with you and explain the options available to address your case.

A Traffic Offenses Attorney in Tampa Can Help You.

While you can appeal any traffic ticket, if it is only an infraction, the only penalty you face is a fine. On any other type of traffic ticket, you should never just pay the fine because then you are admitting your guilt. It is important that you speak to an experienced traffic offenses lawyer at our offices before you make any statements to an officer or admit guilt by paying the fine. There is no reason to suffer higher insurance costs and damage your driving record when you don’t need to. Let us help you fight the ticket and save you the fine and points.

Whenever you get any traffic ticket you should contact a Tampa Traffic Offenses Lawyer at (813) 281-2897. We will review the details of your ticket and explain the penalties and options you have to fight the ticket.

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