Helping Clients with Their Legal Challenges for over 30 Years
More than 10,000 People Helped
185 Jury Trials Handled
The Experience of a Former Prosecutor
Highly Recommended by Peers & Past Clients
Free Initial Consultations

When you have been accused of criminal threats and find yourself charged with domestic violence, you need experienced legal representation to help you defend your rights. Do not hesitate to contact a criminal threat lawyer from our firm in Tampa for a free consultation about the situation and to learn how we can help you seek to drop your charges. At Taracks & Associates, our Tampa criminal threat attorney has more than 30 years of experience, and our team is dedicated to defending the rights of the accused. Let our skill and commitment to results fight for you.
Contact us today at (813) 281-2897 for a free consultation with our criminal threat lawyers in Tampa!
Depending on whether you are charged with stalking or trespassing, you could be facing either misdemeanor or felony penalties which can include being sent to jail or prison, being forced to pay steep fines and being placed on a lengthy probation. The alleged victim may also be able to secure an order of protection against you, which could force you out of home, place legal restrictions on where you can go and even deprive your of your right to own a firearm.
Our criminal threat lawyers in Tampa have extensive experience defending the rights of people in your position, and an attorney from our firm can begin work on your case today. With careful study of the evidence and the alleged victim’s testimony, we may be able to prove that you have been targeted with false accusations, but even if this is not an option it may be possible to negotiate with the prosecutor for a favorable outcome. When you are at risk of harsh penalties and a criminal record that could follow you for years, you cannot afford to take any chances with the outcome of the case-we want to help you find a way to resolve this situation and are ready to meet with you now. If you’re facing these serious legal challenges, it’s essential to consult with a criminal defense attorney who can provide expert guidance and support.
Contact a Tampa criminal threat attorney at (813) 281-2897 now for experienced legal counsel and aggressive representation to help you defend against charges of criminal threats.