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As hundreds of thousands of people go missing every year, including more than 800,000 children countrywide, Florida law enforcement personnel and prosecutors treat a kidnapping as a very serious crime. If you have been accused of kidnapping, immediately get the assistance of a Tampa kidnapping attorney. The consequences of a conviction on this charge are so severe you need the sound advice and experienced representation available from a member of the legal team at our firm. No matter whether you are completely innocent, do not try to explain anything to police officers, investigators, or prosecutors. No matter of how interested in helping you an investigator may seem, anything you say can and will be used against you, and you can shortly expect to be arrested.
The charge of kidnapping is applied when an individual is taken, held, detained, moved to another location through the use of intimidation or physical force. Penalties include probation, fines, restitution, community service, and up to life imprisonment without parole. A conviction of kidnapping falls under the Florida “Three Strike” rule. The act of kidnapping is enhanced if the victim is thirteen years of age or younger. The parental taking of a child can result in a charge of kidnapping and can be prosecuted just as aggressively as any other violent crime. A kidnapping defense lawyer with our firm, has years of experience to draw upon in preparing a thorough defense in a charge of kidnapping.
The legal team with our firm understands how shocking and overwhelming it can be to be arrested and facing a charge of kidnapping. Conviction of a felony results in the loss of a number of constitutional freedoms such as serving in the military, the right to vote, and others. It is important to have a strong legal team which doesn’t underestimate the opposition, but pays attention to details and goes to work to explore every possible weakness in the prosecution’s case while working closely with a client to build a strong defense.
Call Taracks & Associates for a consultation with our team who is concerned with your case, your future and your freedom. Contact a Tampa kidnapping attorney at the firm who will fight vigorously on your behalf.